19 April 2008

Bring out your dead.

The beautiful thing about spring is that it is so much easier to identify dead branches for pruning. If I haven't led on to this earlier, Meg is extremely talented with a bow saw and a set of loppers.

On a number of occasions we have shared with you stories about the nightmare of an orchard that is festering in our backyard. Recently Meg has said to hell with the landlord and has started to do some preventative maintenance to these poor neglected trees. What she did was look for any branch she could reach that didn't have leaf buds and removed it. Over all the project took her about three hours. I think the before and after shots are pretty damn impressive.

Where was I during all of this? Well someone has to weed the garden and our lettuce needed a sun screen. Besides, we only have one saw.

*We would like to make an apology to those of you who have left comments this week and have yet to receive a reply. Meg and I have been totally busy lately with student needs, garden needs, need a full time job with benefits needs, and whatever else this wonderful life has to throw at us needs. We love the comments and please keep them coming; I get worried that you might be dead in some ditch if we don't hear from you once in a while. We'll back at you soon.


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Nope, my body's not laying dead in a ditch....sore from ranch work maybe, but not dead! hehe

The orchard looks great! Good job Meg!

Anonymous said...

What a difference! It looks beautiful. I'm not surprised that she took initiative to do this. Ask her to tell you about her bedroom carpet!

kate smudges said...

Meg did great work trimming trees in the orchard. The trees will thank you!

Carla said...

Yay! I love working with "the saw on the stick", too. At least that's what I call it. I went into the hardware store and asked for that very thing. "you know, one of those saw on a stick thingies, with the snipper things on the end too." I'm sure I saw a jiggle of laughter as he led me toward the limp loppers. :)
Looks great btw!!
I haven't been in a ditch, I've been away all weekend. Thanks for worrying about me though.

Unknown said...

Good evening everyone,
Well, Meg and I are now furiously replying to all of our commenters. It's been pleasantly busy around here. Thank you for the kind shouts. After the orchard was finished Meg has started taking care of many of the other trees around here. We are expecting a marvelous summer.