19 July 2008

Produce Department

Finally, we are at the point where we can go grocery shopping in the garden for dinner every day. We are getting lots of food, and soon we'll need to start canning and freezing to keep up with it all.

I've been trying to stay on the ball with our harvest tally this year. I even got a ledger book to record the weight of everything, which is the kind of OCD activity I normally would really be into. However, one thing I forgot to take into account is that it's kind of annoying to meticulously record weights and quantities into a ledger when you're starving and ready to bite into a raw zucchini. So instead, the weight of everything we've picked so far this year is written on the back of an envelope on the kitchen table.

For the record, that cabbage weighed 2 pounds.


www.mysisterdalesgarden.com said...

it's fun to eat from the garden---tonight we are having thet marina di chiogga squash pancakes. we had juice from our apples and watermelon this morning and will have cantelope tomorrow. your cabbage looks great---is that garlic or shallot?

Anonymous said...

I started tallying what we were harvesting on a food splattered notebook that lives in the kitchen, not too far from the back of an envelope. And ultimately decided to join the Independence Days Challenge to keep me on point in recording everything.

I am very jealous of your garlic...

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

You've worked hard. Enjoy the fruits of your labor :)